Welcome to Ridgy-Didge!

Ridgy-Didge is Australian colloquial for 'just right' or rather 'fair dinkum!'

When we bought the property over 7 years ago, it only had a number and no name. It needed a name as the place certainly has a personality. Well, it sits on a ridge with a grand view northwards to the Bunya Mountains, so what could be more 'all right' than sitting on the veranda with that view, whilst you have your breakfast or in the evenings with a glass of Australian wine? Or even watching the amazing stars at night or the tail-end of a storm as the lightning flashs in the vaste banks of clouds. Or maybe seeing a pair of Wedge-tail eagles as they soar in circles in the high thermals of the vasteness of the azure sky?

This house is a 100 year old Queenslander cottage. Quite small and unpretentious, but it has a gentle atmosphere and we have had many friends and family members come to stay and have enjoyed the peace and quiet of the place.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Happy New Year

Well,here we go into 2011 and all ready we are awash again. Yesterday we had 60 ml of rain in less than an hour. This time it was laced with hail and a good dose of thunder and lightning! Thankfully the electricity didn't go off. 25 ml equals 1 inch, so you can see that was well over 2 inches. We had 2 rivers across the garden this time too. The usual by the fence across from the veranda, now one from the entrance gate, across the grass and on down through the rocks. In the valley, about 250 yards away is a stream which roars along after the rains. We could hear it in the evening. Last week we went down to see the area after the storms and it had been flattened by the rush of water.

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