Welcome to Ridgy-Didge!

Ridgy-Didge is Australian colloquial for 'just right' or rather 'fair dinkum!'

When we bought the property over 7 years ago, it only had a number and no name. It needed a name as the place certainly has a personality. Well, it sits on a ridge with a grand view northwards to the Bunya Mountains, so what could be more 'all right' than sitting on the veranda with that view, whilst you have your breakfast or in the evenings with a glass of Australian wine? Or even watching the amazing stars at night or the tail-end of a storm as the lightning flashs in the vaste banks of clouds. Or maybe seeing a pair of Wedge-tail eagles as they soar in circles in the high thermals of the vasteness of the azure sky?

This house is a 100 year old Queenslander cottage. Quite small and unpretentious, but it has a gentle atmosphere and we have had many friends and family members come to stay and have enjoyed the peace and quiet of the place.

Friday 7 January 2011

Yet MORE Rain!

And so it goes on. We are fortunate not to be on low ground. As there is so much low farm land around here, it is flooded. We can see a couple of areas north of us on the flats. We have been cut off three times now from the town. I have decided to carry a toothbrush and change of clothes when I go out from now on! I left the library early today as it was pouring down.
I know the photo looks like a pretty stream, but we don't DO pretty streams in this part of Queensland and at the moment it's more like Exmoor! Streams, bubbling brooks and water meadows - very pretty -BUT!
Yesterday I set off to meet a friend in Toowoomba only to find that the usual route I take was cut off and the road closed. The water had washed the road away and it was a mess. I decided to go another way, but met a river churning down the hillside and slicing across the road - and a sign saying "Road Hazard Ahead".... so I didn't go that way! In the end I went into Pittsworth crossing 2 fords, then realised the sky was navy blue, and I wasn't going to risk anymore stocked up with food and came home.
Something I saw yesterday which I have never seen before was 2 kangaroos by the road. One an adult and the other mush smaller. They were very close so stopped to watch them leap off, but first the little one scrambled into the mother's pouch, head first then pulling it's feet in. It was amazing how much there was of it disappearing inside! Though I have heard about this, and seen many roos and wallabies, I have never actually seen this happening. It was delightful.

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